Sunday, February 19, 2012

God Is Working

I just thought I'd write a little post about certain events, activities, conversations, and music that God is using in my life.  It would be easy to chalk much of these up to coincedence, but regardless of your explanation of the events, the interpretation is becoming increasingly clear.  Writing some of this out is kind of like writing out an outline to story.  As the plot forms you start to envision how the story might end...

I don't plan to elaborate a bunch on each of these but here they are:

It started the summer of 2010.  I went on a short term missions trip to Panama.  I went with a group of people from my last church (Temple Baptist Church, Cherry Valley MA).  Some of my family went also (Dad, Mom, Jon, Amber). We visited an orphanage while there and did some activities with the children.  We also visited a handful of feeding centers.  What an eye opening experience to see the poverty, living conditions, and food situation for so many.  It's over simplifying things to say that my life has never been the same.

Since that time I've often been challenged by those memories.  Certain incidents will remind me of that experience.  It actually changed the way I read and understood Scripture.  I was specifically challenged regarding my "riches" and my relationship with Christ (Matthew 19).

Later that year our church had their annual missions conference.  It's always great to see other's ministries, often in foreign countries.  We had a chance to meet the Kirby's, a family who had recently made the decision to leave their well established lifestyle and move to South Africa with their family and work with the orphans there.  I was challenged that life is so short that I need to spend every moment of it well.

Over the following year we had a chance to share our house with a few guests.  Two college girls who had visited our church stayed over night.  It was a short visit but I was encouraged by their hearts.  I was able to share my trip to Panama with them as well.  We then had a young new missionary couple, the Crockett's stay overnight with their baby.  I was challenged by their faith and their excitement.

2011 was a "quiet" year on these topics but I think it was more related to my lack of listening than to any lack of speaking.  I did grow in my spiritual walk this year, but I think I was more focused internally instead of letting God's love flow through me.  Kind of like a pond with no outlet, only good for a short period of time.  It's much better to have both a strong inlet and outlet.

Over the past month or so in our Sunday School class we have been discussing the "hole" in the Gospel (Study Guide).  The study urges followers of Christ to look beyond a gospel reduced to a personal transaction for the afterlife—a gospel, it says, with a hole in it—and passionately calls for Christians not just to proclaim the good news, but to be the good news to a world in desperate need.  The videos we've watched and the conversations we've had have renewed the challenge. 

We are planning as a group to go visit the Nashua Soup Kitchen.  We plan to both donate time and money.  I look forward to how God will teach me through that experience.

I had a conversation with some friends about these types of things.  I think it all boils down to "just do something".  I far to often try to think of a bigger picture, and as a result miss what is right in front of me.  I spent some time researching different organizations and found a few.  I plan to do some more searching and will try to be sensitive to the Holy Spirit's leading regarding my involvement.

Somehow, and I don't specifically rememember why, I read Isaiah chapter 1.  I read it over and over again throughout the following weeks.  I was deeply challenged by the blood on my hands of innocent victims (See my post on Isaiah Chapter 1). 

...then I happened to by a new album by Jon Foreman called Limbs and Branches.  All of these things I'm writing about were scrambling around in my brain.  I was feeding my children lunch and just chose to play the album in the background.  I hadn't paid much attention to the songs as of yet (just hadn't had the time).  Somehow in the midst of the chaos I heard the song "Instead of a Show" in the background.  I started listening to the words and felt they were somehow familiar.  Then it clicked!  It was Isaiah chapter 1!  The words were different but the message was the same.  I still haven't researched the story behind that song but I am virtually certain it comes from Isaiah 1.  Anyway, just another little "message" from God to my heart.

This past week I visited San Francisco.  I was there for a business trip but also took a day and a half of my own personal time to visit the city.  It was a great experience.  I was amazed at how many homeless were panhandling around the city.  I was constantly challenged each time I saw one of them.  I only once gave one of them a small amount of money and patted him on the arm.  I still feel convicted that I didn't do more.  How selfish and cold I was to the Holy Spirit's prompting.  Sad.

For some reason this thought came to my mind this afternoon.  All the skills I've been learning and experience I've been gaining in my 10 year career is preparing me for something else.  It's not the first time that thought has comed to my mind, but it again came out of nowhere (well, it came out of somewhere of course).

I was out this evening and played a song I had come across after my trip to Panama.  "Carrier", by Jared Anderson.  God spoke to my heart.  God's love and compassion can be carried by me to the poor and needy.  I was challenged how there are many right in my town who need this love.  I was also challenged about the extreme poverty and darkness in other parts of the world.  I was challenged about those with special needs and how in many cases they need to have God's love carried to them in a special way.  The song ends with the line "here am I send me".  I thought about how awesome it is to be called by the God of the universe.  I don't have to sit there and beg to be sent, I am already sent!

Well, this is the end of the post.  It's certainly not the end of the challenge.  Stay tuned for more of God's working on my heart in this area for me and my family.

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