Monday, February 27, 2012

Simple Memories of a Big Day


Adjective:     with no special or distinctive features; normal
Noun:           what is commonplace or standard
Synonyms:    common - usual - regular - normal - habitual - customary

If you were to number your total days, and then sort them into "ordinary" days versus "unordinary" days I'm pretty sure the ordinary pile would be the larger of the two, even for those we consider to have lived extraordinary lives.  If you could then take those days and place them on a scale that measures their impact on your life I'm pretty sure the "unordinary" days would swing the scale in their direction.  It's those particular days that present themselves with a one way fork in the road.  It's those particular days that are often most memorable for us.

and so it was on July 23rd, 2005...

It was just an ordinary summer really.  Nothing notable.  Normal work schedule.  Leisure time spent with friends.  Making good, but quote ordinary memories.

It was just an ordinary Saturday, or so I thought.

Most Saturdays I would not set my alarm.  This Saturday was no different.  For some reason I woke up early for a Saturday.  The house seemed pretty quiet.  I don't remember the details but I think the whole family was already gone.  Somehow, in my state of early morning fog I remembered where they were.  There was a charity softball game a few towns over for the local radio station.  I had been interested in attending, hoping for the chance to play, but hadn't decided if I would go or not.  It would depend if I felt like sleeping more or not.  I laid there for a little bit pondering my options.  If I continued to lay there it could be another nice, ordinary day.  If I get out of bed maybe something would change?

The decision was made in an instant, without to much serious thought.  Clothes were thrown on.  It was already a beautiful morning so I put the car convertible top down.  Nothing like warm sun on a good summer morning.  The gas gauge in the car was showing low so I had to fill it.  One of the benefits of having a gas guzzling sports car is that you have to fill it more frequently.  Now I was risking not getting there on time.  Another benefit of a gas guzzling sports car... you can make up the time lost.

I arrived just in time.  I received my team t-shirt.  I wouldn't consider myself a great softball player but I enjoy most sports and was looking forward to playing.  Then I was assigned to my team.

That was when my day went from ordinary, to extraordinary.  Things would never be the same again.  I had unknowingly been directed down a one way fork in the road.  My life would never be the same.  It was one of the best things that has ever happened to me.  There was a beautiful girl on my team!  I had seen her once before but I figured our fates would never cross.  What were the odds I would be placed on her team!!!  I remembered her name.  Melissa.  She was so cute!  AND she played softball.  This day was suddenly turning out to be something special.  At least that's what I hoped.  I had to play it cool though.  I said hello, and probably filled the space with some small talk, but I certainly don't remember any of those details.  I probably would not have remembered any of those details if you had asked me about them the moment the words left my mouth. 

It was a typical charity softball game.  We had  lot of fun. I mostly looked forward to when our team was batting.  It was better to be next to her in the dugout than out on the field!  I don't remember the results of the actual game, but I do know about some other results.  Results with a lifelong impact.

Her brother's band was playing at the event.  He played great worship music which we all enjoyed.
I forget how it came about but I offered a few of the girls a ride in my car, including Melissa of course.  A bright red Mustang SVT Convertible, with the top down.  We visted the local dairy queen.  Then I took them for a real Mustang ride, the way they were meant to be driven.  I decided to demonstrate the horsepower.  Let's just say the they were holding the door handles tightly.  I loved it!  Maybe they did to????  More importantly, maybe SHE did?  My heart was beating in unison with the RPM in the car.  Too fast to sustain healthy life, but boy was it exhilerating!!

The rest of the afternoon went by quickly.  A little fun football in the field.  A little fun ribbing by the family about this girl I had taken for a ride.  How did they always figure things out like that so fast?  Was it on my face?  I didn't need to ask, I knew it was written on my face.

I didn't really want the afternoon to end.  Thankfully the afternoon bled over into the evening.  A perfect summer night for dinner and a round of mini golf.  She ennded up sitting next to me in the booth for dinner.  Perfect!  We played in the same group during mini golf.  Perfect!  What a night. 

It's hard to explain the feelings I had that evening.  It was filled with joy, hope, nervousness, a little anxiety... clearly early stages of love.  Can you have love at first sight?  I'm not entirely sure, but in hindsight it was certainly the earliest sparks.

The night was about to end.  I didn't want it to. I tried to drag the conversation out a little longer.  The walk to the cars in the parking lot was too short.  Her brother was riding with her so he was ready to go, but I didn't want her to leave yet.  I made sure she knew where she was going as the area was somewhat new to her.  I told her that some of my friends and I would likely be making a trip to the beach sometime soon and I'd let her know about it.  If she was interested in coming that would be great.

Such simple memories.  Just another day.  The same amount of hours as any other day.  The weight of those hours were more than most of the previous days of my life put together.  Things would never be the same again.

And am I ever so thankful for it!  I met the woman of my dreams.  The most beautiful princess had just come into my life.  I had just met the person I would spend many many more extraordinary days with.

I'm not sure how God arranges and allows our lives to unfold, but that is one day that I wouldn't trade for any other.  What if I had chosen to just sleep instead?  What if I had been too late to the game and just watched from the sidelines intead?  What if I didn't have my Mustang?  What if somehow I had missed the invitiation to dinner and mini golf?  The best part of these "what if's" is that they are only "what if's"! 


Adjective:     1. very unusual or remarkable
                      2. unusually great
Synonyms:    uncommong- unusual - singular - remarkable - exceptional

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