Thursday, February 23, 2012

Standing Where Others Once Stood

I don't really consider myself to qualify as a "History Buff", but if there is a tier below that I would probably fit nicely into that category.  I enjoy the stories, thinking about how those stories have impacted the world I live in, the different eras throughout the past, and the lessons we can and should often learn. 

Imagine a world without history?  You can't, because we wouldn't exist!

What I probably enjoy most however is actually visiting places where others once stood.  In reality I'm not sure what makes it so special but there is just something about it.  Allowing your mind to imagine what it would've been like to be where you are, but in another time and era.  What were the sites and sounds that filled that place?  That place may have once held extreme joy, sadness, fear, despair, victory, or defeat.  To just take a moment and ponder what it would've been like to be there in another time is intriguing.

Now, you can ponder on some of the same thoughts just by reading a book, hearing a story, or watching a movie.  I would argue however that there is nothing like being in the actual place.  I doubt it can be proven, but somehow there is a whole other level of connection to history when you are at the actual location.  Maybe it's the fact that you are engaging more of your senses?

Last week I had the opportunity to spend a little time in San Francisco.  The city was a great city to visit.  One place I was able to visit while I was there was Alcatraz Island.  The island has played various historical roles ranging from a military site, military prison, Indian occupation, but most notably as one of the world's most famous prisons.  I took a self guided audio tour while there.  It was amazing to walk around the prison, hear actual recorded audio in some cases, see the cells, and hear the stories.  It was quite an experience.  To think about the men who once stood there and their own personal histories, their attempted escapes, and other events on the island. 

Just a neat experience.  There's just something about...

Standing Where Others Once Stood

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