Sunday, November 25, 2012

Uncle Tom's Cabin

I stumbled across this well known book in a pile of other books at a yardsale early this summer.  It looked used and a little bit dingy but because it was on my list I figured I'd go ahead and get it for cheap (one of the reasons I like having a list is that it makes book purchase decisions relatively easy, especially at yard sales).

A simple comment on this book is that it has changed my life.  I suppose there is more than one book that has changed my life but this one is the most recent to add to that list.  I think in a lot of ways it fit right in at the right time with other ways God is working on my heart.  It's always amazing how God knowingly uses circumstances, decisions, and influences in our lives often unknowing to us; at least until the point when hindsight helps shine some light.

The book has plenty of reviews out there if you want a full analysis of the content.  Simply put I thought it was very well written and did a good job of pulling you in to the experience of the lives of slaves in the early to mid 1800s.  My heart truly broke more than once as I turned the pages of this novel.  What an awful part of American history.  The oppression and objectification that many people endured, in some cases to the point of death, is disturbing.  To be clear, this obviously is not anywhere near the first time I've understood this part of American history. I was pretty familiar with much of it.  I just thought that the author did a great job of pulling me in to the details of experiences that real people had.  To think that any person would have to go through their life like that is disturbing.  Their faith in God during those times is truly an example we should aspire to.  I doubt that many of us would have the faith and strength to follow him through that type of opression.  That is something those with slavery in their history should be proud of in my opinion. 

The reminder this book gave me of the humanity at the center of slavery is what really changed my life.  To think about human souls living in those situations is heartbreaking.  It really caused me to think about the ongoing issues of slavery in today's world.  To think there are still people facing opression like this every day of their lives is truly bothersome.  I think as Christians we should help carry freedom to those who are enslaved.  At the same time proclaiming and teaching the Gospel so they can experience true freedom and healing.

For anyone who hasn't read the book I would highly recommend reading it.  It may not be the easiest read as the english is a little choppy and true southern slave talk, but it does a great job of giving a glimpse of their lifestyle.  Just when you think there is redemption at hand there are many more twists and turns.  Suspense, action, drama, hope, despair, lows, and highs are only a few words to describe the story as it unfolds.

May I be a carrier of freedom to all those within my span of influence.  May I ever strive to broaden my span of influence.  Thank you for your example Uncle Tom (and thanks to Harriet Beecher Stowe for authoring such an important story).

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